Sunday, May 30, 2010

Inspirational Quote of the Day: E.E. Cummings

I know most of us Scouts aren't the "coolest" people at school.  You might have noticed that I don't spend very much time trying to be cool at the dojo either.  I just am who I am.  You can ask Kristen: I've been this way FOREVER!  Always true to me and my ideals.  Don't try to be cool, don't try to be like everyone else.  There's something different about you that makes you really good at...something.  Something which will make you LOTS of money.  Something unique to you and your personality.  Pursue it.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight--but never stop fighting!"
--E.E. Cummings

See you at the Tooth of Time!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Inspirational Quote: Benjamin Mays

Just some wise words to digest for the day:

"The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in not having any goals to reach.  It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream.  It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideals, but it is a disaster to have no ideals to capture.  It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach."

-Dr. Benjamin Mays

Hope you enjoyed it and have a great day!

-Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Your daily motivation! Take it!

"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time."--B.J. Marshall

I know this quote sounds kind of negative at face value, but I heard a variant of this quote that was a bit more uplifting and inspirational.  Actually, I saw it on a shirt when Kristen and I were in Kuaii:

"The un-aimed arrow never misses."

I really like this thought.  Do what needs to be done, don't stress, do what you can do, but don't forget to live in the moment and to enjoy the life your living: to experience joy and happiness as well.

Chill out!  If you stress less, you'll hit your goals more!  That's the way I take this one.

Let me know what you think!

See you on Mount Baldy!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Inspiratonal Quote: Albert Einstein

Maybe the smartest thing Albert Einstein ever said:

"Your imagination is the preview to life's coming attractions."

Wow!  That's pretty powerful.  He totally understood the Law of Attraction and Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich."

I've always been interested in the life of Albert Einstein.  I mean, here was a guy who couldn't even tie his own shoes.  He was on a complete other plane of thought.  That's why he was so successful in his field: he drew the energy from the universe to fuel his desires, to turns his thoughts into things.

Where does your imagination take you?  If you've ever been through the Vigil ceremony, where did your thoughts take you then?  My Vigil showed me a clear path to the next few years following while I was looking into the fire.  If you've been there you totally know what I mean.

Anyway, see you at top like always!  Once we're at the top, though...where do we go next?

To the next mountain top!!!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja

We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts!"

San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Your daily inspiritational quote!!! "Service"

Dedicate your life to a cause greater than yourself, and your life will become a glorious romance and adventure.
--Mack Douglas

I can't say enough how true this is.  I've dedicated myself to helping Boy Scouts.  It's a niche market in the martial arts community that I excel in, that makes me truly happy.  I always look forward to teaching the Boy Scouts that come through our doors.  By the time they're done with their 3 months of class, whether they continue with classes or not, they are changed young men.  They have better developed a fighting spirit, and desire for success.  It pushes me to grow this program even more when I see all the success.

Kristen now has her life's purpose: the Army of Angels.  It's a self defense program for women.  She has DREAMS about this work she's doing.  That's commitment.

Have you thought about your life's purpose?  How you're going to help people as an adult or how you're helping people now?  It's pretty deep stuff.  Believe me, though...helping people makes the time fly.  You always feel good afterwards.

I love helping people and teaching the martial arts.

See you at the top!  Let us know what your plans are for making an impact in YOUR community!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Friday, May 7, 2010

Inspiration: Your daily motivational quote!

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own and you know what you know
And you are the one who'll decide where to go.

--Dr. Suess

(I think we call this wisdom...sorry Scouts: it comes with age and experience of experiences!!!)

See you some where along the trail!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

In the Shaolin Kempo system the Tiger represents tenacity, persistence, strength.  How do you DEVELOP persistence?  How do you develop mental, physical, and spiritual strength?  Persistence can cross over to another of the Shaolin Animals as well: the Dragon.  The Dragon represents Spirit and spiritual strength.  The flexibility to roll with the punches and to win against the odds.

Napoleon Hill lists four steps to the habit of persistence.  They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular level of education and but little time or effort.  These steps are:

1. A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.
3. A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences
4. A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

(Maybe your Mom or Dad can be the one who holds you accountable.  Have it be someone you look up to, so you'll work harder to succeed. )

Hope this helps!  We all have room for growth.  Remember: when the tree stops growing it starts dying.

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128