Monday, April 26, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

We have two types of Scouts at We Love Kempo.  There's the Scout who's a superstar: he advances in rank quickly, sets a good example, gets to Eagle Scout, gets straight A's in school.  He's a good kid, solid.

Then there's the Scout who's a great kid, but makes poor decisions.  Gets poor grades in school, spends too much time on the video games, forgets to turn in his homework, and can't be trusted to truly do the right thing when there are shortcuts available.  This Scout needs the dojo for discipline and structure.

This next blog is for that Scout.  It's a list from "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill, titled "symptoms of Lack of Persistence."  I call it laziness.

These are the weaknesses that must be mastered by all who accumulate riches:

1. Failure to recognize and clearly define exactly what you want.
2. Procrastination, with or without cause (usually backed up with a formidable array of alibis and excuses).
3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge.
4. Indecision, the habit of "passing the buck" on all occasions, instead of facing issues squarely (also backed by alibis).
5. The habit of relying upon alibis instead of creating definite plans for the solution of problems.
6. Self-satisfaction.  There is but little remedy for this affliction, and no hope for those who suffer from it.
7. Indifference, usually reflected in your readiness to compromise on all occasions, rather than meet opposition and fight it.
8. The habit of blaming others for your mistakes, and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable.
9. Weakness of desire due to neglect in the choice of motives that impel action.
10. Willingness, even eagerness, to quit at the first sign of defeat (based upon one or more of the six basic fears).
11. Lack of organized plans, placed in writing where they may be analyzed
12. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself.
13. Wishing instead of willing
14. The habit of compromising with poverty instead of aiming at riches--a general absence of ambition to be, to do and to own.
15. Searching for all the short cuts to riches, trying to get without giving a fair equivalent, usually reflected in the habit of gambling or endeavoring to drive "sharp" bargains.
16. Fear of criticism, failure to create plans and to put them into action because of what other people will think .

I hope this helps and that YOU don't find yourself on this side of success.  Be a superhero today!

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
 We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio
"For the love of the martial arts"
San Diego,CA 92128

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill's the reality check from Napoleon Hill: "The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs are, generally, easily influenced by the 'opinion' of others...if you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of your own."  You will make it a habit to fail.

Keep to your own ideals.  Trust in yourself and in your heart.  Be wary of sharing too much of yourself with others, since even people close to you will sometimes cut down your beliefs and excitement.  Get into total go mode with your intent and actions.

In the words of Napoleon Hill: "Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it."

In the words of We Love Kempo: "Don't talk about it, be about it."

Self check: are you on point with your goals?

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Monday, April 19, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

"The Major Attributes of Leadership," by Napoleon Hill:

1. Unwavering Courage: like we say at the studio: "Courage of the Tiger"

2. Self-Control: self control of character, financial self control, self control around friends and family

3. A Keen Sense of Justice: I think all Scouts are Justice Fighters in their hearts.  That's why we do our best to follow the Scout Law and Oath.

4. Definiteness of Decision: Strong spirit.  "Spirit of the Dragon."

5. Definiteness of Plans: like all our Scout Leaders have told us before, "Plan the work and work the plan."

6. The Habit of Doing More Than Paid: the spirit of the Order of the Arrow: cheerful service.  Not sometimes, all the time.

7. A Pleasing Personality: a level of humility, easy to communicate with, listens well and has a desire to help

8. Sympathy and Understanding: especially as a young Scout in the various leadership positions.  You won't be successful just because you told someone to do something.  They won't listen for long.  Compassion.

9. Mastery of Detail: Attention to detail..."Kempo is in the details."  Details make your work professional.  Details get you A's in school instead of B's or C's. 

10. Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility: the hardest part of leadership: if followers make mistakes and become incompetent, it is the leader who has failed

11. Cooperation: be a team!  Understand the abilities of each person on your team, highlight their special abilities, and everyone wins.

Are you a leader every day in every way?  It's a lot to live up to, but you're Scouts, so you can do it!

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

In "Think and Grow Rich" a section titled "Imagination" talks about our desire as a thought impulse.  "The Secret" calls this the "Law of Attraction."  On the quantum mechanics side of science, the entire universe consists of only two elements-matter and energy.  "Thought impulses are forms of energy.  When you begin with the thought impulse desire to accumulate money, you are drafting into your service the same stuff that nature used in creating of this earth and every material form in the universe, including the body and brain in which the thought impulses function."

Again from "The Secret:" Thought Become Things

This concept allows for other interesting ideas as well.  For example, if your riches really only come down to attracting it, using energy in the universe, then the amount of riches you acquire should be irrelevant: a little rich or a lot rich takes the same amount of energy as far as the universe is concerned.  Time would be irrelevant as well.  If you believe it!  $10,000 could take 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year to acquire.  It's all energy!  But this also means that if you have negative thoughts every day, then negativity would also be as easily acquired.  You could manifest what you fear.

Let's continue to be aware of our thoughts and levels of stress!  Let's be positive, energetic, inspired, and intelligent!

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio-
"For the Love of the Martial Arts"
San Diego, CA 92128

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

There's a section in "Think and Grow Rich" where Napoleon Hill writes, "The accumulation of great fortunes calls for power, and power is acquired through highly organized and intelligently directed specialized knowledge, but that knowledge does not necessarily have to be in the possession of the person who accumulates the fortune."

Ask for help before it's too late.  I've written that before, but here it comes up again.  Ask for help, hire others to help you who are smarter than you, or better than you at the job to be done.  I've heard big time executives say before that they hire people smarter than they are.  That way they can delegate higher level tasks and create a more successful company.

I can totally see how this passage applies to adults.  Adults have more options here than kids do, though.  Kids, Scouts, be creative here and you tell ME how you can use this, how the above passage can be used by YOU.  How do you apply it?

Can't wait to hear what you have to say!  See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
San Diego, CA 92128

Friday, April 16, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill: Chapter 3: Faith: Visualizing and Believing in the Attainment of Desire (Second Step to Riches)

Here Napoleon Hill talks about the importance of reviewing your goals daily.  "Making repeated affirmations to your subconscious mind is the only known method of developing the emotion of faith voluntarily.  All thoughts which have been emotionalized (given feeling) and mixed with faith begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart."  And eliminate negative emotions that say you can't or won't have what you desire most.

"Riches begin in the form of thought.  The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion.  FAITH removes limitation."

I had a dream recently where I was wearing my Shaolin Brand shoes, my karate shoes, when I looked down and saw that my shoes were really torn up, worn out.  They looked almost like sandals they were so torn up.  I looked up the imagery online and found that the torn up shoes represented my need to "take a leap of faith."

These goals that you've set for much are you believing in them right now, in yourself right now?  We need to believe with everything we have to reach those goals that seem really huge.  Let's reaffirm our goals, do what needs to be done, and believe that we'll have our success on the other end.

See you at the finish line!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Dojo
San Diego, CA 92128

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Are you reading this book yet?  "Think and Grow Rich" is just the first of many more books I plan to review with the Scouts.  I figure if we can get these principles and thoughts to the kids sooner, then maybe they'll be in a more creative, open mind set to receive and use the messages.  It's harder for adults, I think, because we already have more stresses and experiences that have hardened us to thinking that we DESERVE the success.

In the section on "Desire" Napoleon Hill discusses the difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it.  "No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it.  The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish.  Open-mindedness is essential for belief.  Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage or belief."

Many times I've set goals for myself and failed.  It doesn't feel good.  But many of those times I actually set myself up for failure.  I didn't really BELIEVE I would reach the goal.  Why?  Because they were outrageous goals, that's why.  For a goal to be true, to be believable, it has to be reachable.  Doable for you.  Think large, think big, but not outrageous.  It has to be believable for YOU.

Review your goals now: are they believable?  Are they real?  If not, let's bag them or modify them.

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio
San Diego, CA 92128

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Here is the moment of truth, you have to actually do some work. 

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill reveals a method by which DESIRE FOR RICHES can be transformed into financial equivalent.  There are six steps, to which I have also posted my answers to better guide you along your path.  Do this!!!  It really is fun.

1. "Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire." My answer: $10,000.00
2. "Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire."  My answer: In return for $10,000 I will give up weekends, evenings, and days off to introduce more potential students to the We Love Kempo Martial Arts studio.
3. "Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire."  My answer: I will have $10,000 by May 1st.
4. "Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action."  My answer: DONE!!!  That's why I'm writing this BSA Blog!!!  I have been way more active on the We Love Kemp forum, and plan on posting more frequently to the BSA Blog.  Also, we have classes scheduled in such a way that free classes for students are ending each week over the next month, so I feel like we have the real probability to enroll 5 students this week, and 2-3 each week for the next one to two months.  Yes! 
5. "Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire.  Name the time limit for its acquisition.  State what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it."  My answer:  I will have $10,000 by May 1st.  In return for this financial success I will give up weekends, weeknights, and days off so that I can share the martial arts with MORE potential students.  I will flier more aggressively, create a stronger internet presence for our studio, and enroll more students this month than this entire year!
6. "Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after rising in the morning.  As you read, see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money."  My answer:  Try posting it on the mirror of your bathroom!  You'll probably see it more than twice in a day!

Let's do it Scouts!  Let me know what YOU plan to do for your success!  Remember: there's always a price...but it's worth it.  Getting to Eagle Scout isn't easy either...

See you at the top!

Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout Ninja
We Love Kempo Martial Arts Studio
San Diego, CA 92128

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

We've talked about a "burning desire" in past blogs.  This is the first step to riches according to Napoleon Hill in "Think and Grow Rich."

One time I was at a motivational seminar and a presenter dunked a guys head in a bucket of water...and wouldn't let him come up for air...not until the guy REALLY struggled, and pushed up hard to get his head out of the get air.  Then the speaker said, "When you want success as much as you want air to breath, that's when you'll be successful."

Might sound kind of corny, but I totally got it.  That's why I still remember it.  Here's another analogy of how BURNING your desire should be...not a wish, but a desire:

"A long while ago, a great warrior had to make a decision which ensured his success on the battlefield.  He was about to send his armies against a powerful foe, whose men outnumbered his own.  He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy's country, unloaded his soldiers and equipment, then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them.  Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, 'You see the boats going up in smoke.  That means that we cannot leave these shores unless we win!  We now have no choice--we win or we perish!' They won.  Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat.  Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win, essential to success."

What is you burning desire?

See you at the top!

-Sensei Brian Colwell
Martial Arts Superhero &
3rd Generation Eagle Scout
13240 Evening Creek Drive #314
San Diego, CA 92128

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

I first heard of the principles in "Think and Grow Rich" at a meeting where we watched "The Secret."

"Thoughts become things."

"...there is a universal power which adapts itself to the nature of the thoughts we hold in our minds; and influences us, in natural ways, to transmute our thoughts into their physical equivalent."

Our thoughts are magnets.

What's filling your mind every day?  If it's stress from school, work, or home that you're thinking about, is it helping?  Probably not.  Let's find a way to ground ourselves against stress.  Let's work on our thoughts being on abundance instead.  On riches, or good grades, or happiness.  Let's do this every day from now on...forever!

Every year we should reexamine "Think and Grow Rich" so we're accountable to our thoughts, staying always on thoughts of riches and abundance.

In what ways are you already rich?  (Attitude of Gratitude)

See you at the dojo!  Tournament is right around the corner!

-Sensei Brian Colwell

Monday, April 12, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The primary theme in "Think and Grow Rich" is "The Power of Thought."  How to acquire a state of mind that will attract riches.  It doesn't need to be hard to get rich, but it takes belief.  Success comes to those who BECOME success conscious. 

We are encouraged to receive this suggestion: "When riches begin to come, they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding all those lean years."

If you never read the book, never read any more blogs I post about this book, then please at least receive the above.  Like I wrote earlier, I read the book one year ago.  I thought last year as I pursued the principles in the book that I was failing, since I wasn't making all the money I should know what?  I DID make lots of money last year.  I made it for the the dojo I was working for...I just didn't get to keep it.  It went upstairs, into the hands of big corporate types.

I'm energized as I read this book again.  I'm ready to make lots more money!  I did it before, and I'm DOING it again!

Should it be any easier for adults than kids to make lots of money? this book!  Let's see what you can do, what you can visualize and make come true. 

Maybe you get a huge scholarship, a sponsorship, or create some new cell phone's your future!

See you on the trail!

Sensei Brian

Friday, April 9, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

To continue our discussion of "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill:

There are several sections in this book I found I could connect with.  Also in the beginning of the book:

"...greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.  Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning.  It takes great delight in tripping one up when success is almost withing reach."

Have you ever tried to open up a jar, and you pushed and pulled until your hands hurt, but couldn't get it open?  Then you passed it to someone else and they barely do anything, opening it with no effort?  Same story.

That can be looked at as a you failed...but what if you "ask for help before it's too late?"  This is team work, the buddy system.  That's way more positive.  People tend to NOT ask for help, preferring to quit or fail instead.  The older I get the more I ask for help...I can't do everything...I'm not good at everything.  You have to be humble to ask for help.  You have to share your problems with people in order for them to help.  That takes letting them into your life, which can also be hard sometimes.  It opens you up to getting hurt by people around you.  But there are people around you who WANT to help.  Let them help you. 

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts.  Together we can make a difference. 

See you at the top, or at the bottom, or somewhere in the middle...just ask!

-Sensei Brian

Friday, April 2, 2010

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Exactly one year ago I read the book "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill.  I just picked it up again and started looking over the copeous notes I took while reading.  This book truly inspired me and taught me some valuable lessons as well.  Over the next few weeks I'll be discussing excerpts from this famous book.

The first section of this book talks about the power of thought.
-"when a man really desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win."

What is YOUR single, all consuming obsession...your "definite major purpose?"  Your persistance with a SINGLE desire will "mow down all opposition" and bring you to what you're seeking.

When I think about this statement it REALLY is true...there are few things I've desired with a burning passion, truly desired in my heart and soul.  A few items on that list include: reaching Eagle Scout, receiving the Vigil Honor in Order of the Arrow, getting straight A's my Junior year of high school (with all honors classes) just to prove that I could, reaching Black Belt in 2 years or less, and growing my first dojo to 100 students in 1 year or less.

Everything I've focused on like a laser beam I've been able to reach.  So I ask you again: What is YOUR single, all consuming obsession?  If you don't care enough about your goal, you won't reach it.

How much do you care about reaching Eagle Scout?

See you at the top!

-Sensei Brian