What I like most is all the info about how to conduct a Board of Review and Board of Review Questions. I suggest you young Scouts out there review these questions and prepare yourself for your Board of Review. Especially if you're going for Eagle Scout soon! Remember the Scout motto: "Be Prepared."
Here are the supplemental questions that I'll be blogging about one by one:
- What do you like best about Scouting?
- What do you dislike about Scouting?
- What do you think is the most fun part of Scouting?
- What kinds of tents have you used? Which is your favorite? Why?
- What work have you done towards your Second Class rank?
Second Class
- If you could change one thing about your patrol what would it be?
- What can you do to make your patrol better?
- What type of outings do you prefer? Why?
- What is the longest hike you have taken? Where? How was it?
- What would your patrol think about earning the Baden-Powell Patrol Star?
First Class
- What is your favorite part of the Scout Law? Why?
- What are the parts of the Safe Swim Defense?
- What does it mean to become a First Class Scout/
- What would you tell a 6th grade boy who asked you about Scouting?
- What is your favorite camp food?
- What is your favorite point of the Scout Law. Why is it important for other people to live by?
- What can you do to make your troop better?
- How has being a Scout changed your life?
- Look at the First Class Badge. What are the parts and what do they represent?
- What leadership style is usually the most effective?
- What would you say to a Scout who really wanted the position you were just elected to fill?
- Recite the Scout Law. Pick a point and explain what it means. Then I’ll pick one.
- What is the hardest thing a new Scout has to learn about the patrol method? At what stage in your Scouting advancement were your when you learned this.
- What would you do if another Scout brought cigarettes on a campout?
- What is your favorite part of the Scout Law. What do you do to live it?
- How many people in and out of scouting helped you get this far? Think about it for a moment before you answer. --- (Hundreds of thousands. Former scouts people who put the merit badge books together, Scouts local and international, camp staffs, and others.)
- What part of your Scouting career makes you the most proud? The least proud?
- How have you contributed to the troop?
- Looking back on your Scouting career. What one thing would you change and why?
- Once you have earned your Eagle, what are your plans for Scouting?
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